WILL™ working the life - lab

Field of interest

The fields of interest are multidisciplinary, and develop a greater degree of focus as they get closer to the particular subject through specialization.

The general themes and the interdisciplinary approach are the constitutive basis of a fundamental cognitive substrate, declined in the Theoretical or Practical dimension and then, even more specifically, in the various areas of activity.


The stakeholders of WiLL© therefore differ in their social and professional positions, their interests and their objectives. This differentiation means that the contribution of WiLL© is open, updated, integrated and systemic with each particular stakeholder.

General themesStakeholders

General themes

Main structural topics

The topics set out below by macro-topic are not exhaustive, and illustrate the main subject of theoretical study. As mentioned, the topics are processed along comparative, multidisciplinary lines. The results of these studies represent the conceptual basis on which we will work in the practical-realization field.

1. Human evolution, crucial junctions, invention of technology; 2. History of work in the history of humanity; 3. Meaning of work for the development of human civilization; 4. Meaning of work over the time of an individual life; 5. Work after the industrial revolutions; 6. Economically-based social structure and the role of work; 7. The ethical counter-evolution and the current state of affairs; 8. Economic mentality as an innate or inherited structure of thought; 9. The meaning of the self-determination of peoples and of the individual; 10. Politics, economy and work: power relations; 11. Life and Work in history: between survival and meaning. 12. The meaning of “Work the Life”; 13. Work and the natural ecosystem: sustainability; 14. Work and decreasing global poverty; 15. Work and growth of economic and social inequality; 16. Economic and psycho-social consequences of systemic work problems; 17. The work bias is difficult to eradicate; 18. Globalization, territory and work; 19. The role of work in the future and new social organizations; 20. Work in organizations: totalitarianism vs democracy; 21. Psychological conflicts within organizations: between double bind and schizophrenia; 22. Organizations: declared objectives and real objectives; 23. Adaptation to the irrational organization and its personal and social consequences; 24. Leisure and social activities; 25. Vision and realism in the future…

Theoretical branch

Every (non-instinctive) action is the result of an idea or thought. The theoretical branch of WiLL© studies phenomena in a free way, not bound by a precise need for realization, in order to further the search for truth rather than for what is merely useful. The objective is to ensure that the freest creativity can be generated on a foundation judged to be suitable, the only foundation capable of truly changing the paradigm.

Research & Development
Work-Life Balance
Social Responsibility

Practical-Application branch

Each (non-instinctive) action subscribes to and outlines a philosophy and produces certain effects. The practical and applicative branch of WiLL© radiates into the weave of the various organizations that distinguishes the social and working sphere, while taking into account the viewpoint of the individual. Acting on the effects that impact on the very same social system, WiLL’s© differentiation of these experiences and perspectives is a value that broadens the boundaries and perspectives of specialization.

Human Resources


WiLL© was founded on the basis of a broad, open, diversified experience. This openness and diversification form the basis of knowledge processes and knowledge sharing. Therefore, WiLL© can but continue to remain available to speak with any stakeholder within the broad spectrum of its subject matter. This tightly interwoven nexus of Work and Life is the crossroads that everyone must negotiate, sooner or later.

Individuals and private groupsCompanies and public entities

Individuals and private groups

Individuals and private groups

WiLL© considers it highly strategic to open up to capillarity and to work with individuals or groups of people of any social background or profession.

WiLL© is open to individuals seeking to deepen their reflection on the meaning of their work or more specific issues and difficulties, but also, obviously, those with a specific goal that they want to interrogate and achieve.

WiLL© provides courses aimed at students during their orientation phase, and also financially-assisted courses for people in particular need, such as the unemployed. Similarly, it works with professionals of all levels – from top and middle management to specialists, technicians and workers – in order to understand, consolidate and develop professionalism.

Individual and private group focus


  • Individuals and groups
  • Executives
  • Managers
  • Employees
  • Freelancers
  • Students
  • Unemployed
  • NEETs


1. orientation to work; 2. professional objective; 3. Marketing Plan (organized job search); 4. negotiation; 5. balance of competences; 6. professional development; 7. aligning talent with work and aspiration; 8. (re) building and writing your own professional history (CV and cover letter); 9. talking about your professional history (job interview); 10. work-life balance; 11. rebuilding the meaning of career and work and reformulating new aspirations; 12. understanding and managing relational problems at work. 13. changing job or stay in a job under different conditions (financial and perspectives)…

Companies and public entities

Companies and public entities

WiLL© operates at a systemic level, in fundamental synergy with research centers and structured organizational contexts, in order to share a new culture of work that can be inserted into a definitive paradigm of Life and not merely instrumental or servile.

WiLL’s© actions are aimed at changing the current paradigm. The results achieved to date and the impact of the interventions carried out suggest we can be confident in the new approach.

Companies and public entities focus

  • Public and private companies
  • Associations
  • Trade associations
  • Education (universities, high schools, academies, business schools)
  • Research (and development) centers
  • Foundations
  • Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs, …)


1. general management; 2. hr management; 3. change management; 4. business climate; 5. sharing the vision, mission and values; 6. soft skills: leadership, communication, reporting, empathy, time management, delegation/control, resilience, conflict management…